Quarries, Mines and Stone Work 2008 - 2013
Winter of 2012 I went to some of the sites I had researched on Google Earth. All of the ones I found were every bit as good as I had hoped they would be. Active or inactive, these are incredible in theier scale and just how deep the holes are when they are not filled up with water. Max and I found a very high marble quarry way up a steep Colorado mountain road with a roaring creek spilling over the huge white blocks of stone.
Granite Stairway 4984 | 1 of 39
Granite Stairway 5010 | 2 of 39
Granite Stairway 7234 | 3 of 39
Granite Stairway 9668 | 4 of 39
Canal Lock 0995 | 5 of 39
Canal Lock 1000 | 6 of 39
Canal Lock 1027 | 7 of 39
Canal Lock 1020 | 8 of 39
Beach Sculpture 4093 | 9 of 39
Beach Sculpture 4121 | 10 of 39
Hilltop graves | 11 of 39
My Temple 6550 | 12 of 39
Vermont Quarry 0408 | 13 of 39
Vermont Quarry 0434 | 14 of 39
Vermont Quarry 0437 | 15 of 39
Vermont Quarry 0460 | 16 of 39
Marble Mountain 4660 | 17 of 39
Marble Mountain 4661 | 18 of 39
Marble Quarry 4682 | 19 of 39
Marble Quarry 4685 | 20 of 39
Marble Quarry 4687 | 21 of 39
Marble Quarry 4689 | 22 of 39
Marble Quarry 4696 | 23 of 39
Marble Quarry 4698 | 24 of 39
Marble Quarry 4727 | 25 of 39
Marble Quarry 4730 | 26 of 39
Stone Wall 6720 | 27 of 39
Stone Wall 6747 | 28 of 39
Colorado Mine 4213 | 29 of 39
Colorado Mine 4224 | 30 of 39
Colorado Mine 4225 | 31 of 39
Tombstone 3 | 32 of 39
Tombstone 5 | 33 of 39
Vermont Quarry 8214 | 34 of 39
Vermont Quarry 8230 | 35 of 39
Vermont Quarry 8238 | 36 of 39
Vermont Quarry 8255 | 37 of 39
Vermont Quarry 8262 | 38 of 39
Vermont Quarry 8339 | 39 of 39